Sunday, October 29, 2006
I have been waiting for this
day ever since the the start of
last block.
The end of the block has arrived.
Which means i have 2 days to rest
before the start of the coming block.
I managed to finish DI after 2 days
of 2am sleep.
I think some of my friends are worse.
Can use computer until 4am...
Our DI lecturer ( digital imaging) gave
us the last assignment which is to create
a tabloid for news, 2 weeks in advance.
I created this..

I apologise for the lousy resolution
because the clearer high resolution
picture could not be uploaded here.
Saturday was so so only..
I think its because i was in a very poor
form that day, therefore my teammates
were feeling rather disappointed.
I seriously think that its my shoes that
caused the problem.
I find it slippery when wearing that shoe.
Its time for me to change it i guess.
Could not stay with my friends because i
had to meet my Basic Video crew in TP
for editing the coming video.
My teammates are really amazing.
None of them is thinking of slacking or what.
Each of them do their part and i can
really feel the team spirit.
After that i rushed back home to prepare
to go for my grand pa's celebration.
I'm really glad that my grandparents are
still healthy because i have a lot of old
folks having problem walking or with
I have also seen old folks wandering around
selling tissue paper and i really feel down.
I will visit my grandparents more often
because they had taken care of me when i was
young and i will feel very uncomfortable or guilty
if i ignore them now.
And friends. if you have grandparents in your house.
Its quite good.
They can see you everyday and im sure that they
will be really happy.
Be with them. Make them happy. Talk to them.
Please. Everyone of us will grow old someday
and We won't like it when our children and
grandchildren ignore us right?
Always follow your conscience and not rule.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:48 am
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Things are not as bad as we see.
I saw something that really change my
view towards that gecko on the wall infront
of me.
At around 11pm, this gecko climbed up
the wall infront of me.
I could catch it and throw it away but i
didnt, because i was lazy to.
It hid behind a lamp.
Minutes later, some flies stopped on
the wall and the gecko rushed out and
ate them one by one.
So fast... it caught and chewed
its prey infront of me.
After that it went back to its hide out.
A baby cockroach climbed up the wall and
it quickly rushed out again and caught hold of
that cockroach before it can even react.
Its quite interesting.
The gecko is like hunting for food now.
It helps to kill those irritating insects in my house.
Especially the Cockroaches.
Oh ya.. lets be frank.
I want to know if some of us
study the diploma because the road
may provide us a stable income and above
average lifestyle?
or just because we want to go through poly
and get on with our lives?
or to get the neccessary skills so that
we can get nearer towards our ultimate goal.
Be it JC, ITE, POLY, every students should
face this.
Are we moving through the road of education
towards a job which we like OR
the jobs which people think will provide
a stable income?
Do not study and work for 30+ years and realised that
you are lacking of something in your life.
So what if you have plenty of money, cars and cards but
you are still not satisfied in life?
Q life is a long stretch of road
1:05 am
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Yeah... we have finally completed our 2nd assignment.
I am happy to have such wonderful team mates.
We do quarrel a lot because each of us have different views
and ideas.
However, we understand that all of our ideas are for the
good of the whole project, so we tolerate and accept each
other's opinion and that is very good.
It is our first time making a short clip, so please don't
expect it to look like those movie trailers.
Its quite exhausting to act out because there is NG
for every single scene.
I have to try again and again and again...
Worse still, i am in the public and many people are
looking at us.
I am really happy that the video turns out just fine.
And i must thank my group member for creating this
video based on the idea which i posted weeks ago.
Do you still remember that post which was about
an exaggeration of a really cheap date?
We are working on our 3rd assignment, which is
another short video...
Went all the way to pasir ris farm way.
Beside a filthy drain.
We done that yesterday.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:42 am
Sunday, October 15, 2006
A movie poster designed by me for my
The movie name is thought by me.
haha. quite fun to do although we are
given on monday and have to finish by
Didnt really have time to do it because
i only reach at 7pm.
I asked my friend to take picture of me
on tuesday but my lecturer rejected them
because the camera mega pixel is too low.
It sucks.. i won't want my face to be inside
if my lecturer allowed us to choose.
I wish i can find a person who is patient
enough to listen to me.
Who won't laugh at me,
won't aruge with me,
won't leave me before i can finish my say,
won't criticise me..
Just someone who will listen to me attentively,
smile and say " yes... i understand".
Will be interested in what i am saying.
Will question me about the topic of what i am saying.
Will wait till i finish talking before he/she start saying,
motivating and caring words.
I think its hard to find such people.
Q life is a long stretch of road
2:54 pm
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Seems like i still can't get use to this block teaching.
I will feel really tired and cranky as soon as i wake up
everyday, because i know that it's going to be a long day
away from home.
When the last lesson is about to end, i still can't get happy
because i know that i have plenty of works to do at home.
Well... still doing that movie poster now.
I'm noob at photoshop so it really is torturing me right now.
Lecturer told us that we could only use pictures that we shot
over the weekends.
I was having lunch with 2 of my friends and their conversations
are unlike those teenagers who i came across.
One has already has a company of his own, set up together with his
friends. They are receiving works and are paid to do.
Another friend is freelance photographer and designer.
That friend knows a lot and i mean really A LOT of design stuff.
He has done freelancing work before.
I asked him how he manage to know and experience so many things
and he told me that he has a mentor and he met the right people.
He asked me to be an apprentice with my uncle who is a designer too.
To learn, to see and to experience.
The conversation with those 2 took about 1 hr something.
I find it very meaningful and i really learn a lot from them.
They are both younger than me by 1 year and the way they speak is
like adults.
They are already talking about business now.
My friend has name cards already and is now designing some stuff for
other people's wedding.
They seem to be able to open up my mind to look further into the future.
Now that my goals are clearer, i feel that i am one more step nearer
to my ultimate dream.
Have not seen my friends for quie some time
i wish that i can meet them this coming friday and saturday.
Q life is a long stretch of road
1:20 am
Monday, October 09, 2006
Talk so much, do so little.
Promise for what?
Only knows how to make people
happy for 2 mins by your lies.
Say so much " i love you", "together forever"
"we will miss you" for what?
In the end, the result is still the same right?
These phrases are so commonly abused that
they no longer have the value.
They become just some English phrases.
We do not want to hear bullshits and farts.
We want to see you do and prove it to us,
show us your sincerity.
When you have no one to support and your life
feels like shit, they come and support.
You feel happy and are able to find new people.
When they feel miserable in their lives, you didnt
care about them because you have other people to count on.
They no longer exist in your life.
I witness you gossiping and talking fun stuff about other people
with them and how bad and lousy other people are.
Time past and soon i found you being happily with the other
people whom you said they sucks.
What about the "them"?
I witness you ignoring them because you have the other people.
When you are a nobody, the group help you.
Your works become better but you didnt give them credits.
You are now a successful person yet those who helped you
didnt get any shit.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:46 am
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I was asking around to find a gathering for mid autumn
and i'm disappointed with the responses. But Luckily....
PengRu invited me to a mid autumn gathering at Punggol park
just 1 day before.
But it seems rather disappointing to me because
only 6 of us went.
Last year there was about 15 of us.
We joked and laughed around, playing cards.
Lit those candles and lanterns and they are so
Some of them started playing chess.
Shi Ping invited me to another gathering in punggol park.
I realised that they were just around the area.
Shiping was with xiu bin, felin they all
The group is rather big consisting of the close group of
girls from sec sch.
Have not seen them for a very long time.
so nice to see old classmates again.
Very near... so i can pop around the 2 groups.
I met PB and donavan too.
After all the fun time, everybody started packing up
either because they have to have work the next day
or rushing home to play games.
Haiz... I didnt experience the fun and excitement there
as much as those when i was young during mid autumn.
I thought that it's too early for the fun to end, so i
decided to go derrick's house to play games.
I met Janice, CPS they all at harmony park.
Reached there and only to find myself saying " Hi.. Bye.."
Played winning elevan until 4am until i could no take
it anymore.
My passing is like shit...
I was half asleep so I didnt control my player well.
Slept until today.
After all the fun, i must get down to
work on my assignments.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:12 am
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Greed: | Medium
| |
Gluttony: | Very Low
| |
Wrath: | Very Low
| |
Sloth: | Low
| |
Envy: | Medium
| |
Lust: | Very Low
| |
Pride: | Medium
| |
Take the
Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:29 pm
Yeah... it is mid autumn tomorrow.
It is also a tradition for me to go somewhere
to burn candles.
Ya... sounds very lame, childish, bo liao,
nonsense, rubbish, nth-better-to-do for
But still ! i am celebrating it that way!
Luckily, i have found a group of friends
who also want to meet up during the night
for some fun!
Yesh.... punggol park. Looking forward to
Friday's night.
Mid-Autumn is one of my favourite
Too bad, nowadays, most kids prefer staying
at home to play games or watch TV than
to go out and have some fun.
Except for those kids who are studying.
notice my post getting shorter?
haha, its because i don see the point
to write so much.
I'm starting to pen down my thoughts
on paper for myself to read.
I don't think people
are visiting my side so
its more convenient to write down
instead of switching on the computer.
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:12 pm
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Lecturer didnt come again..
Went home to slack and play games.
Reached home at around 9.35am and rush games.
DOTA and Diablo.
My results are bad..
I am feeling disappointed.
I think a lot of people are already a head
of me.
So how?
LUCKILY, i watched an inspirational
clip in Youtube.
Heard of Dick and Rick?
The strongest dad in the world is Rick's father.
Eighty-five times he's pushed his disabled son,
Rick, 26.2 miles in marathons.
Eight times he's not only pushed him 26.2 miles in
a wheelchair but also towed him 2.4 miles in a dinghy
while swimming and pedaled him 112 miles in a seat
on the handlebars--all in the same day.
A father who does not know how to swim.
Does not ride a bicycle ever since young.
Does not usually run.
All of the above did not stop him from achieveing
the incredible result.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:14 pm
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Don't have much time to write blog anymore.
My module, Basic Video starts at 9am ends at 12.
My next module, Digital Imaing starts at 3 ends at 6pm.
The lecuturer from Basic Video teaches us how to
make short videos..obviously....
Our individual assignment is to take pictures and put
together to make a story..
Like frame by frame put together...
Yawns.... reach home at around 7pm... how am i going
to do that?
Assigment today.... hand in by friday.. i seriously don't
know how to do it. Im a totally noob there!.
Luckily i have a group of friends there, we can help one another.
Digital imagin is nice!
He teaches us how to use photoshop and it is so amazing.
The photoshop can do a lot of amazing stuffs!
I think both lecturers are very friendly.
Very good. So i will have a pleasant time learning.
I dislike the time... really bad timing.
3hours breaks...
Tsk tsk tsk...
My friends and i went to some computer labs in
des school.
HAHA! I saw people playing Resident Evil 4 on
That is so cool man! I sat there watching them play
while surfing the net and playing games.
Next time should try playing DOTA on the big
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:17 pm
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Had great fun last thursday.
We went out for dinner to celebrate yunhui's birhtday.
Went to eat at S11 in Ang Mo Kio
We ordered a lot of things and wow...
they are all very nice and filling.
Had a lot of discussion on... what else?
is either DOTA or Online Footman Manager.
LOL.. and ya... there's other things too.
They are so funny.
Realised that Jason is a fish enthusiastic!
HAHA! found someone who is interested in fish.
He has one small Red Tail Golden Arowana..!!
OMG.. The one in my house is Green Aro...
I wish i have i RTG..
We went to clarke quay straight after dinner.T
hey suggested going there to drink and talk.
I'm super noob there...
Some area does not look like part of singapore...
haha. What you expect...
I have only been to CQ for likeless than 10 times.
haha. everything there is so new.
Realised that the crabs there are super big.
Fat and big, one crab from there can
take on5 crabs from the hawker centre..
Reached home at around 1am...
Read stacey's blog about the fragility
of someone's life.Ya.. kind of sad.
Anyway, there are many things way beyond our control.
I realised that i keep imagining i am in that person's
shoe and i will always get frigthened.
HAHA.... like i read the newspaper about some
country strucked by natural disaster,
the first thingthat comes into my mind is putting
myself in those victim's shoe... wah... if i were there,
i would be too afraid to even move.
And if iwere in Iraq fighting a war,
i would bevery nervous..
Scientists warned us that if the earth's temperature
were to rise by just one 1 degree, the whole earth will
change drastically.
Although we can't feel the difference.....
A slight increase in temperature can indirectly kill
people or causes more natural disasters.
Many people do not bother about such things.
They like to throw away things.
They refuse to cut down on the usage of resources
Why must there be military?
Its because countries fear one another.
So this has become a competition of military strength.
A very large amount of cash is poured into the Defiance...
If all the cash is directed to Medical Health,
tackling of global warming or eradicating of poverty,
then many people in this world would be really happy.
standard of living will rise.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:46 am