Friday, September 29, 2006
Had great fun last night.
We went out for dinner to celebrate
yunhui's birhtday.
Went to S11 to eat.
We ordered a lot of things and
wow... they are all very nice and filling.
After that we went to Clark Quey.
Had a lot of discussion on... what else?
is either DOTA or Online Footman Manager.
LOL.. and ya... there's other things too.
They are so funny.
Realised that Jason is a fish enthusiastic!
HAHA! found someone who is interested in fish.
He has one small Red Tail Golden Arowana..!!
OMG.. The one in my house is Green Aro...
I wish i have i RTG..
We went to clarke quay straight after dinner.
They suggested going there to drink and talk.
I'm super noob there... Some area does not look
like part of singapore... haha.
What you expect... I have only been to CQ for like
less than 10 times. haha. everything there is so new.
Realised that the crabs there are super big.
Fat and big, one crab from there can take on
5 crabs from the hawker centre..
Reached home at around 1am...
Read stacey's blog about the fragility of someone's life.
Ya.. kind of sad.
Anyway, there are many things way beyond our control.
I realised that i keep imagining i am in that person's
shoe and i will always get frigthened.
HAHA.... like i read the newspaper about some
country strucked by natural disaster, the first thing
that comes into my mind is putting myself in
those victim's shoe... wah... if i were there,
i would be too afraid to even move.
And if iwere in Iraq fighting a war, i would be
very nervous..
Scientists warned us that if the earth's temperature
rises by just one 1 degree, the whole earth
will change drastically.
Although we can't feel the difference.....
A slight increase in temperature can indirectly
kill people or causes more natural disasters.
Many people do not bother about such things.
They like to throw away things.
They refuses to cut down on the usage of
THEIR industries!
Military.. Why must there be military?
Its because countries fear one another.
So this become a competition of military strength.
A super large amount of cash are poured
into the Defence...
If all the cash is directed to Medical Health,
tackling of global warming or eradicating of
poverty, then many people in this world would
be really happy.
standard of living will rise.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:58 am
Had great fun last night.
We went out for dinner to celebrate
yunhui's birhtday.
Went to S11 to eat.
We ordered a lot of things and
wow... they are all very nice and filling.
After that we went to Clark Quey.
Had a lot of discussion on... what else?
is either DOTA or Online Footman Manager.
LOL.. and ya... there's other things too.
They are so funny.
Realised that Jason is a fish enthusiastic!
HAHA! found someone who is interested in fish.
He has one small Red Tail Golden Arowana..!!
OMG.. The one in my house is Green Aro...
I wish i have i RTG..
We went to clarke quay straight after dinner.
They suggested going there to drink and talk.
I'm super noob there... Some area does not look
like part of singapore... haha.
What you expect... I have only been to CQ for like
less than 10 times. haha. everything there is so new.
Realised that the crabs there are super big.
Fat and big, one crab from there can take on
5 crabs from the hawker centre..
Reached home at around 1am...
Read stacey's blog about the fragility of someone's life.
Ya.. kind of sad.
Anyway, there are many things way beyond our control.
I realised that i keep imagining i am in that person's
shoe and i will always get frigthened.
HAHA.... like i read the newspaper about some
country strucked by natural disaster, the first thing
that comes into my mind is putting myself in
those victim's shoe... wah... if i were there,
i would be too afraid to even move.
And if iwere in Iraq fighting a war, i would be
very nervous..
Scientist warned us that if the earth's temperature
rises by just one 1 degree, the whole earth
will change drastically.
Although we can't feel the difference.....
A slight increase in temperature can indirectly
kill people or causes more natural disasters.
Many people do not bother about such things.
They like to throw away things.
They refuses to cut down on the usage of
THEIR industries!
Military.. Why must there be military?
Its because countries fear one another.
So this become a competition of military strength.
A super large amount of cash are poured
into the Defence...
If all the cash is directed to Medical Health,
tackling of global warming or eradicating of
poverty, then many people in this world would
be really happy.
standard of living will rise.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:58 am
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
How true is " Ignorance is a bliss " ?
I think its quite true...
You see, if you don't know anything.
You will take life easier because you don't
know about any threats or consequences.
You do not have to be careful constantly
so as to avoid troubles.
People steal your items but you are still
smiling because you do not know that
they will not return back...
On the other hand
If you know a lot of things.
Good luck.
Whenever you are going to do something,
you will be reminded about the consequences
following your actions.
You know so much things, especially bad ones
about this world, that you start to realise how
bad is the environment you are living right now.
Lets say, you come across an article that said
a lot of illnesses in this world surface because
of the way we live our life or the things we eat etc.
So next time, when you are going to munch on
the big burger in front of you.
Thoughts come into your mind in the form of chain
reaction like...
Fried ----> heaty, chemical reaction resulting in toxic being given out --->bad for your health ---> illnesses come in ---> sore throat is ok, Intestines cancer is the worse case scenerio ---> shorten your life span ----> not enough time to love the people...
Then tears will begin rolling down your cheek
and drop onto the burger.
OK OK. the chain reaction is totally exaggerated.
LOL. but be warned that taking too much
of fried stuff is really bad for your health.
oh ya. so being ignorant has its bad and good side so
is being i-know-many-things.
Aiya. nothing is totally good, its really up to how you
i just write all these down for fun one.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:44 pm
My feet is recovering at steady rate.
The wound has dried up and pus has stopped flowing.
I think i should be able to walk around with difficulty.
As for sports, i don't think i am participating fornext week.
All the running is going to apply much pressure onmy wound.
I have 1 Fei Feng fish at home.
Its some sort of herbivore and is middle feeder.
After separating it from the green arowana,
it refuses to eat until now.
My brother suggested that i should get somefish to accompany it.
I decided to visit the fish farm since the last visit was
during the after - O - holidays and the possibility of getting nice fish.
I asked Ryan Wong and Robin becausethey seemed to be interested.
The former had NS that day and the latter went with me last monday.
We saw many big, medium and small orscars.
A lot of Kois. Some Gigas, fish the size of a typicalbolster.
I saw this giant Red Tail Catfish with mouth capable of devouring
my entire head.Dogs...some stray dogs..
The merchandise shop sells a lot of apparatus for fish keeping.
Next, we proceeded to another farm which is just beside.
That farm is big and comprises of many small blocks of buildings.
There is one that sells different kinds of arowana and hard-to-find fish.
Another one has a lot of puppies.
Another one has a space imitating the kampong for
children to catch kampong fish.
Another one has many big ponds for Koi... and has hotel for fish.
In the end, i didnt buy any fish back home because i could
not decide what fish to buy.
Although it was exhausting walking around, i find that all the
effort is worthwhile.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:28 pm
Monday, September 25, 2006
I came upon this website and find the
thoughts of the writer very interesting and
I dont know what people would like to call it but perhaps it should be called delusion. People nowadays have much less free will and thought than say the people in the 18th or 19th century. Sure we are more educated, sure we have cars and planes to bring us about and mobile phones to communicate but do we actually innovate more in terms of thought and philosophy ? do we think about all the other things in life and find a way to live them out - to live out our own lives ? absolutely not. What we do today, is follow what is conventionally accepted. If the scientist in country X says this stuff is good for you, you eat it. Everyone goes to school and learn the same stuff that everyone else is learning. There is no expectation by the people in position for you to actually innovate, to talk back and to discuss what you've learned. Instead rather it is usually discouraged, the teachers of our teenagers mostly just wish that their students accept whatever ideas that are being taught and reproduce it at the exam. Nobody truly gives a damn about religion, they have no faith. We worship objectivism. And life falls into a mere mechanical process. We grow up, take our exams like everyone else, perhaps go to university and are finally supplied to the body called economy as fresh meat to turn the cogwheels of our modern society. Peace has given us complacency, and people have become nothing more but intelligent farm animals. We've lost our individuality, in its stead , the voice of human society and the one conciousness of the system speaks to us. It beckons us to accept, beckons us to produce, beckons us to consume. And amazingly, its these nitwit bystanders who stand passively alongside the course of developing human history, finding fault and critiqueing anything and everything they find, yet never putting in enough effort to change the status quo - that fuel the stagnant society they so wish to change.
Have you ever ask yourself
do you do for the sake of doing
or do for the sake of something bigger. ( mayby something you really like?)
HAHA... i don't why nowadays i have no mood to blog.
I think its because the stuff i really want to
write down here is definitely going to be misunderstood
by some group of people.
I read the newspaper everyday and realised that
some adults behave like kids....
Some articles show more than what we know about
the world.
Where what your parents or teachers told you
does not make sense at all.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:20 am
Thursday, September 21, 2006
They gave me CDS and
i have chosen creative writing.
My friends told me that language
is easier to pass
but the only language they give me
is JAP.
I don't really want to be so influenced by
JAP, because... of i'm always
reminded by how the Japanese tortured
the people here in the past.
Ok.... So my prediction turns out otherwise.
The wound on my feet has become infectious.
Now that is going to be a problem
because i will have to give up on
all the outings my friends have planned.
The wound is under my feet so
i have to walk with my angle tilted so
that the wound will not hit the ground.
The wound keeps oozing out sticky liquid
and i have to clean it many times a day.
I am at home all the time ever since last friday.
I missed out the gym session, soccer session,
cps birthday, sentosa.
Lucky for me because there is no school for me
until next week.
Unlucky for me because i can't go around to places
that i like and going out to meet friends.
I am damn bored and lonely.
Wait....i am not bored
I am playing Diablo 2 LOD and
that game is fantastic!!!
Q life is a long stretch of road
2:39 pm
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I realised that life is like playing cards.
You are given only a few cards to play.
You can't decide which card to take nor
which card to drop.
What you can do is to use the cards to
the fullest.
Just like our life.
some of us are born fat, some short,
some have no arms, some live in a poor family,
some in poverty, some has low IQ etc.
Although science has allowed us to change
what we have, it cannot change everything in
your life.
If you are born like that and if help is hard to
come by, what are you going to do?
The key is to live your life to the fullest.
Never try to live someone's life.
We should not compare with other people.
So if you are fat, then try to live your life
to the fullest by maybe working hard on
career or friendship rather than looks?
And if you are poor, then try to save up
money and buy the necessary things?
You don't have to compare yourself
with the rich people in this world...
That thought will not help you grow.
Instead, accept what you have and move on.
Remember to live your life to the fullest.
Even those rich people will do charity
to make them feel better.
Some people do volunterring work.
So don't be depressed because you look
ugly or fat or short.
Accept it as something you can't really
change and move on in life.
Make your life as happy as you can.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:22 am
Monday, September 18, 2006
The ordeal of my feet.
My feet is in a bad shape.
The nurse applied liquid nitrogen onto some parts of my feet and it is very very pain.
Believe it or not.
I have experienced frost bite.
I was told that the Liquid Nitrogen is
- 192 degree celcius.
I think that white angel
sprayed onto an area of my
feet for too long....
Frost bite causes big blisters.
That nurse...must have thought that
i didnt scream means that
she can spray without mercy...
LOL. she REALLY has faith in me.
Those areas have already being swollen from the previous consultation.
And now she spray that particular area
for more than 8secs!!
The pain is excruciating man!
What's worse is that, the pain is there for the rest of the day.
I didnt know why....
It seems that the red area is constantly in pain.
I have to limped all the way from the
National Skin Centre until home.
The pain is there. Similar to a thick needle poking my feet every seconds.
Its super far man..
wth... Enduring that stupid painful feet onto the bus.
People gave me those face as though i am an alien.
I'm going to shout if anyone steps
on my already painful feet.
Pain while im playing games.
Pain while im eating.
Pain every seconds
Driving me crazy.
Pain throughout the night.
I could not sleep well.
Realised that the red area has turned into a big blister.
The feeling is then similar to your blister
being knocked every seconds.
Could not sleep well that night.
The pain must be stop....
I dont mind tolerateing extreme pain for a while.
But pain for hours and hours is crazy.
So i sat down, lit the candle.
Burn the needle.
Let it cool.
Poke that bloody blister.
Not that painful.
Then used the scissors... sterilized by anti septic
to cut open the blister and drop anti septic solution into it.
Very painful...but at least
i don have to tolerate the pain for hours.
And i wish that blood will flow out and clog.
too bad its pus that flows out.
And it keeps flowing out!!
If i didnt poke that hole for the pus to flow out.
my blister only gets bigger
Cant find that damn bandage so have to use the plaster.
Lets pray for me that the wound will not get infectious.
I couldnt play soccer nor ride bicycle the next day.
Can't even walk properly...go out.. sure suffer...
I dono why i'm so suay to get this kind of thing.
That time i got Dengue Fever and i was so lonely there.
Maybe those are tests for my tolerance?
Yes.. i am hardy.
Bring it on.
Q life is a long stretch of road
1:30 pm
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Today is my gaming spree.....
I played Diablo LOD from 11am - 3pm
slept until 5pm and played dota until 7.
Ya i know... i have wasted a day of my life
doing something which has nothing to do
with my future. I can't turn back time
nor can i do something to compensate it.
hahaha. im laughing at myself now.
I just watched a nice chinese show name,
"deng dai you qing tian"
Its very inspiring...
I know its going to be boring when i start
writing the summary of the show but then,
its for me to write and remember it.
Its about a girl who lives by herself.
She has never seen her father and her
mother has been going in and out of jail.
She has decided to live on her own because
he uncle and auntie refuses to take her in
lest that she may have inherit her mum's
genes of lousy attitude.
She is sitting for O level but then she has to
work part-time in a stationary shop too.
Due to the financial constrain, she has to
save every single money to pay for her
polytechnic school fees.
She goes for a few days without food and
as a result of that, her stomach starts having
She lives in an empty house, doing her chores
and studying herself.
She cannot afford to go out with her friends.
That story just makes me feel more guilty.
I have a com, a beautiful fish, electricity,
money, friends, education, books, shelter
and many many more.
I'm suddenly reminded of the things around me.
I'm glad, really glad.
I don't need a very big house, cars, money
girlfriend, popularity or a land to be happy.
(if i have then i will be happier but not for long)
I have lowered my expectation in life.
I know people will say that being complacent is
bad... but i am not.
I am just easy to be happy but i will still work hard.
So.... please remember to count your blessings.
Take a small bit of your busy schedule and look around
tell youself.
" I have this, i have that. There are more kind hearted
people than evil hearted ones in my life."
I tell you.
Singapore is really a very good country.
Take a look at the people in other countries.
Lets focus on chinese.
No country is perfect in this world.
you think US is good? you check its defend budget..
terrorist here and there...
to be continued...
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:04 pm
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Is the following way of speaking familiar?
1 . Anything....
Tom: " what do you want to eat?"
Jerry: " Anything will do."
Tom: " so i buy chicken rice for both of us."
Jerry: " cannot! not nice."
Tom: " then duck rice?"
Jerry: " i don't like the sauce."
Tom: " then what do you want?"
Jerry: " anything."
Tom: " Im going to get fried rice for you."
Jerry: " i don want fried rice."
Tom: " please tell me what you want
or you buy the food yourself."
2. i dono...i really dono...
J: " do you want to go? "
T: " dono"
J: " dono is yes or no?"
T: " dono leh..see first."
J: " can you please make up your mind?
i need to book the table later."
T: " see first.. if you see me there means i got go."
J: " obviously..."
3. late, late, late
J: " where are you?"
T: " reaching already..."
20mins past.....
J: " oie...where you now, we have been
waiting for a long time."
T: " kk. reaching in 5mins time."
10mins past.....
J: " where are you? you are terribly late!"
T: " reaching liao... can see you liao."
10mins past..
J: " WTF. you can see me yet still have not reach?"
T: " aiya, i saw ur pic in my hp la... reaching liao la."
4. promise breaker...
J: " so you going right? "
T: " yes.."
J: "confirm liao hor..."
T: " yes.."
J: " but are you sure ? very very sure ?"
T: " ya ya...must ask how many times.."
J: " ok.."
1 day before the event.
T: " eh...sorry. cannot make it."
J: " oh my god.. do not frighten me."
T: " i'm busy so i not going."
J: " shit..... this is bad."
Which one do you encountered the most?
please tag.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:54 pm
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Discussed with my friends about something
until all of us started laughing.
One of my friends is always late
so i thought of a scenerio for his future
girl friend.
His ask his GF out for dinner.
He is late, GF don't mind.
2nd time late.
GF a bit angry. but don't mind.
7th, 8th, time late
GF starting to feel pissed off.
10th time late.
My friend reach there just in time to
see his GF gets into her the other
BF and she even wave at my friend "bye.bye"
GF call my friend and tell him that its over.
My friends gave me 2 choices.
If i have a 2 BF which will i choose.
1) Hey...later movie meet u at Plaza Singapura ok?
2) Hey...7pm go downstair, i drive my car to fetch u.
ALL of my friends chose the 2nd one...
Another friend of mine gave the 3rd choice.
3) Give her an EZ-link card and ask her go
home herself.
and this is what my friend will tell her...
He "Here... i don't have car. but i have....
this...EZ-LINK CARD!! woohoooo.
here i lend you. Inside got $5 hor...
i calculated that you will spend
about $2.50 to reach that bus stop near
your house..
I don't want to see my value less than $2.50
hor...and also ar.. can help me top up anot...
thanks ar. must return that card ok..."
I thought of this super budget date.
He "Hey dear...want to watch movie or not.."
She "yes! watch what?"
He "watch...Wu Jian Dao want?"
She "ok! meet where?"
He "at ur house downstair the video shop there."
She "huh? why there?"
He "because that time i went past that shop
and they are showing that show on the
TV outside that shop..we going to
stand there watch."
He "Dear...are you hungry? i treat you lunch want?"
She " at where?"
He "near my house that temple there."
She "huh? why temple and not food court?"
He "oh...because the temple now giving out free vegetarian
lunch for the old people so we can go there eat secretly."
He "Dear...its getting late liao. i worried about ur safety."
She "oh... so sweet.."
He "haha. of cos.. because you have not return me my VCDs ma."
She "chey...."
He "dear, i send you home ba..."
She "u got car meh?"
He "hmm...can say la... i got this Ez-link card to lend u..
so can say that bus driver drive u home on behalf of me."
He "Hey.... you must be feeling very tired
after working for so long..."
She "ya..haha."
He "i made u this soup to nourish you."
She "wah! so thoughtful.. thanks!"
He "haha.. no nd la... cos im selling my soup
as a job. later pass me $3 hor.. thank you."
Later when the GF's bro heard of this
kind of man.
When he urinating halfway, the bro
walk in and cover him with plastic bag
and whack him.
just for laugh..
not real..
and im alright.
Q life is a long stretch of road
5:40 pm
Monday, September 11, 2006
I strongly suggest that people
should read this poem.
Some may have read it before,
but there is no harm reading it
Stories - The Oyster
there once was an oyster
whose story i tell,
who found that some sand
had got into his shell.
it was only a grain,
but it gave him great pain.
for oysters have feelings
although they're so plain.
now, did he berate
the harsh workings of fate
that had brought him
to such a deplorable state?
did he curse at the government,
cry for election,
and claim that the sea should
have given him protection?
'no,' he said to himself
as he lay on a shell,
since i cannot remove it,
i shall try to improve it.
now the years have rolled around,
as the years always do,
and he came to his ultimate
destiny stew.
and the small grain of sand
that had bothered him so
was a beautiful pearl
all richly aglow.
now the tale has a moral,
for isn't it grand
what an oyster can do
with a morsel of sand?
what couldn't we do
if we'd only begin
with some of the things
that get under our skin.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:28 am
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I don't know what to write already.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
Keep waiting and waiting.
until something is about to happen
then you are told that you need to
wait somemore.....
I hate that feeling.
Screwed up because of poor time management?
No... it's because the other people are impatient?
Maybe most people in this world are numbed.
You hear me? Numbed..why numbed?
They are so badly affected that when somebody
do a good thing to them, they don't know how
to appreciate.
You know what.
To me, we humans do not need rules or laws to
live in this world.
We only need to follow our consience and our hearts.
Maybe it is because we are always controlled by
those rules and regulations that we become dependent
on them.
Our mind cannot differentiate what is right and what is
wrong except, doing what will be scolded or fined and
doing what will be rewarded.
I may be wrong but this is my point of view.
So how....
You want people to be kind to you and yet,
you do not want to be kind of people.
You want them to help you and yet
you find it troublesome to help them.
Its understandable that one should not be asking
a reward or something in return for the help
one has given, but don't you have the urge to help
I don't know how many people have really
succeeded in a relationship.
I know its super hard.
Career is more practical and easier.
Career won't judge you by your looks,
it judges mostly on talents and attitudes.
So, if you like somebody.
Maybe, you need to think twice or maybe...
force yourself to dislike that person to eliminate
those crazy thoughts that will hinder your progress?
The following article is taken from the net.
Many of us think of relationships as a justification for our existence, as if our lives are pointless without someone we love and who loves us. That dangerous premise leads us to believe that there is a void to fill, a section of our selves to complete.
That's why we have trophy husbands and wives… a feeling of loss and hopelessness when our partner leaves us… a sense of insecurity when our partner seems to be interested in someone else.
Before you even consider going on a date, ask yourself - are you happy with who you are? Can you be yourself with someone you have an interest in? Do you have enough faith in yourself to trust your partner?
Low self esteem is arguably the main reason for the breakdown of relationships. It may not be the trigger, but it probably is the slow-acting venom.
If your self esteem is low, you probably think of your relationship as the pillar that's holding up your life. If it cracks or falls, you'll go along with it. Your thoughts are consistently tinged by suspicion, you're anxious, you're unforgiving, you ignite into flames of wild fury, you try your best to keep your relationship safe - in other words, you try to keep exposure to the outside world to DVDs starring Kate Hudson.
Now, does that sound particularly attractive?
We have to understand that we do not have the right to anyone. No one was born to love us forever. That marriage certificate, that laser pledge at Suntec City, that handmade card - romantic, yes, but not eternally binding contracts. Or sentences. A relationship is not a prison.
A relationship is a walk through a field with no discernible end. You have no idea where this journey will take you, but you hold each others' hands, look hopefully towards the horizon, and stride confidently forward anyway.
Very often, you can ruin a perfectly fine relationship by demanding constant reassurance or displaying suspicion. Do you require your partner to regularly show his or her affection for you? Do you judge every action, question every motive? Do you trust your partner enough to know that the occasional lack of attention doesn't mean he or she no longer loves you?
We have to understand that human beings have certain primal urges. And some of those do not concern our partners. That doesn't mean we're immoral or unfaithful. Men ogle. So do women. When you display your displeasure at your partner's wayward eyes, you are showing insecurity. And insecurity is never attractive… or worth committing to.
I have finished my say.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:28 am
Friday, September 08, 2006
I knew that about this fact. I found this evidence so that those people who do not believe can read for themselves. Sounds like those movies right....
Living forever may not be a reality. But a pioneering field called
cryonics could give some people two lives. Cryonics centers like Alcor Life Extension Foundation, in Arizona, store posthumous bodies in vats filled with liquid nitrogen at bone-chilling temperatures of minus 320 degrees Fahrenheit (78 Kelvin). The idea is that a person who dies from a presently incurable disease could be
thawed and revived in the future when a cure has been found. The body of the late baseball legend Ted Williams is stored in one of Alcor’s freezers. Like the other human popsicles, Williams is positioned head down. That way, if there were ever a leak in the tank, the brain would stay submerged in the cold liquid. Not one of the cryopreserved bodies has been revived, because that technology doesn’t exist. For one, if the body isn’t thawed at exactly the right temperature, the person’s cells could turn to ice and blast into pieces.
It’s estimated that about 80 percent of amputees experience sensations, including warmth, itching, pressure and
pain, coming from the missing limb. People who experience this phenomenon, known as "phantom limb," feel sensations as if the missing limb were part of their bodies. One explanation says that the nerves area where the limb severed create new connections to the spinal cord and continue to send signals to the brain as if the missing limb was still there. Another possibility is that the brain is "hard-wired" to operate as if the body were fully intact—meaning the brain holds a blueprint of the body with all parts attached.
Cool stuffs from science.
Science is just so amazing.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:50 am
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I went to gym with my friends yesterday.
Finished working out by 3pm and then
we went to have lunch at Ya Kun.
HAHA.. Lunch at Ya Kun..
Its not filling at all, but since i would be
having another round of meal at derrick's
house, i joined my friends.
After the lunch, WeiFeng and Desmond went home
The rest of us went to Plaza LAN.
I realised that that place was filled with people
so i decided to go home first.
I met Zheng Liang at the bus stop and we chatted
for a while.
WeiZhong and Robin decided to get something
for Derrick's birthday and i decided to chip in.
I rest at home before meeting WF and Des to
go to Derrick's Birthday Party.
Its very nice to see a lot of friends there. usual.
I am easy to be happy, just let me see my friends
and i will smile and be contented.
I crapped a lot with them.
Talked and laughed with them, it is so fun to have
them around in my life.
Derrick's house is filled with friends and his relatives.
A lot of noise and that's how a party should look like.
Realised that some of us are still acting like kids,
pushing and playing around,
but that is controllable.
I mean, we can be serious when we want to.

Some candid shots because they were going off soon.
LOL. Its funny.
When they have nothing to do, the first thing that
comes into their minds is.... PLAZA LAN + Pool.
Haha. so fun.
We all think a like.... So...
around 20 of us made our way to Hougang Plaza
some of them went home.
4 of them went to play billard if i'm not wrong.
17 of us went to play CS.
We really brought life to that LAN shop yesterday.
I just like the feeling of walking in a big group
of friends.
I can see the LAN shop keeper smiling throughout
the night.
We played until 1pm.
I accompanied Eugene to walk home.
Whoa... and i think that it's faster to walk home
then to take bus.
It took use only 15mins for me to reach home
from Hougang Plaza...
So fast..
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:24 pm
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Its super sad.
Why do good people always die early.
Maybe because god wants them.
Steve Irwin.
i watched the tributes for him
in youtube.
Deeply sadden.
His shows have been educating
me ever since i was young.
Opened my eyes to the
beautiful nature in the world
which i think i will never see
in singapore.
I watched how he catched the
crocs and how he saved those
I think i am influenced a lot by him
because i am so into conservation.
I will always cut down on the use of
plastic bags and will never litter the
I will not eat shark fins anymore.
Steve Irwin is great.
He was a decicated man and contributed
a lot to the wild life.
Without him, i doubt many people will
know about conservation.
I feel like watching his shows again.
His shows are always so exciting .
Unlike other documentries i have watched,
his shows have a lot of action.
He is always so enthusiastic in his show.
Its true that i like everything about nature.
I like animals a lot although people cannot
find it.
I always watch documentris and read
books on animals.
Therefore, i am really sad that Steve Irwin died.
Steve Irwin, we will always remember you.
DO not blame the stingray.
i once watched an episode about
him training fellow zoo keeper.
A snake bited a zoo keeper and he asked
him if he hated that snake.
Stever continued that
if he hates that snake for biting him
then he should leave his job.
I am sure that Steve won't blame the
He will never hate an animal no matter
how it treats him.
His life is purely on saving and protecting
wild life.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:07 pm
Monday, September 04, 2006
World-famous Australian "crocodile hunter" and television
environmentalist Steve Irwin has been killed by a stingray
blow to the heart while filming a new documentary.
Oh My God... The world is so unfair...
I mean... he saved and protected so many animals in this
world and yet, he is killed by one of them.
This world needs more of people like him.
People should watch documentries instead of shows
like singapore idol or whatever dramas.
Haiz.... Steve really helped a lot in conservation
and protection of the animals.
I think many animals especially the crocs
are going to be so sad.
They lost a life saviour as well as someone who
brought conservation to the world.
I really hope that more children will watch
documentries and know more about this
world and not so much on games and
I think that many people do not know how
pathetic this world is because most of us
are living in a comfortable place.
We should go out and experience what
is the real world so that we will come to
our senses and do something productive.
We will stop wasting time in playing
games because we will realise that we are really
really very fortunate and that life is very fragile.
Imagine your life is getting shorter and you realise
that you have just wasted a lot of precious time
doing practically nothing worth remembering.
I have read about people taking drugs and
i am sure that when they grow old, they are
going to regret what they have done and wish
to start afresh but they cant, because each of
us has only one life.
Our life is a story.
Stories should be interesting and meaningful.
The pen is in your hand.
Dictionary is there to guide you
but it cannot hold your hand
and write your story.
The story is written by you.
How you start your story and how you are
ending it is up to you.
I remembered this part of an article.
Finishing the race well is not only about
working hard in school and trying to do well
but also about living our lives right.
It may not get you to the top but it has its own rewards.
It is like the Tanzanian marathoner John Stephen Akhwari
who took part in the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City.
There is no reason to remember him as he came in last
in the 42km race.
When he entered the nearly dark Olympic stadium to complete
the last stretch, he was bloodied and his dislocated knee was
bandaged from a fall earlier in the run.
He hobbled through the final lap in the stadium, crossed the finish
line and collapsed.
When he was asked why he did not quit the race, he replied: " My country
did not send me to Mexico City to start the race. They sent me to
finish the race."
He is respected even though he was last.
Q life is a long stretch of road
7:38 pm
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Nothing much to write.
Spent the whole day at home
using computer because both
of my feets have a lot of blister
and i find it extremely hard to walk.
Look up on what's the difference
between IQ and EQ.
I'm surprised to know that
people with high EQ succeed
better in life than a person
with high IQ.
I shall elaborate more on this
in my next post.
I had a conference with my cousins
for 1hrs 35mins last night and
realised that cps miss called me.
I called back only to realise that
my friends need my help.
I got ready immediately to help
but they called again that its alright
But i'm concerned over a friend so
i stayed awake until that friend reached
home safely.
i'm pleased with myself because i think
i made the right decision.
So... feel free to ask me for help because
i will feel happy when i helped somebody.
I feel good when i am useful to my family
and friends.
Unless i really cannot make it or don't
have time.
The problem is not with the trouble
but with the fear that i can't do a
good job.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:26 am
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I was feeling really happy when i woke up
on Friday because i knew that there were
a lot of activities happening later on.
Went back to Temasek Poly to take back
my assignments and went home straight
I went to National Skin Center to treat
my feet again.
This time, the treatment was a lot more
painful than the past few ones, even
resulting in blisters.
But.. i didnt feel that painful because
the nurse attending to me was super
friendly, humorous and good looking too.
She kept chatting and laughing.
Here's part of the conversation with her.
Nurse " pain? you can shout and scream if
you want..theres curtain there"
Me "No...Never."
Nurse "hahaha"
Me "hey.. what you think of being a nurse?"
Nurse "Very bad.. haha.. i didnt know that
being a nurse is that tough.."
Me " Tough...but its noble. Nurse is important."
Nurse " Not really la... haha. imagine treating
so many people's feets..."
Me "haha. then why did you become nurse?"
Nurse "haha. i was dumb! I didnt know its that hard!
she continued
"some of my friends dropped became a
chef and i think he did well there!"
Me " i see... some of my friends took nursing too."
Nurse "really... haha wish them all the best!"
Me "ya..i will."
Nurse "wow.. you can really tolerate pain..."
Me "haha. why do you think so?"
Nurse "because you didnt screem and kick around
like many people did, haha"
Me " haha. thanks..they really kick? so dangerous."
Nurse "ya... haha. almost got kicked at, last time."
Me " haha. oh my... hahaha"
Nurse "why are you laughing ? haha. you are weird,
pain still can laugh"
Me "because you make me laugh what... hahaha"
Ok... don't want to write out the long conversation.
After that i went home to get ready for the reunion
I was really excited because i had not seen my sec 5
friends for quite a long time.
Went to interchange to meet Peisi and Michelle.
Met noel, grace, yi ting, tania, xiu bin.
Reached there after a short walk.
We are the second group to reach there.
I saw a few teachers there smiling and i
was happy because the teachers were
I was feeling very hungry that night
and i ate a lot... not to the expense of
eating other people's share.
haha! I ate the left overs from
other tables.
The food there was very nice.
But the best thing is that i get to talk
with many people there, thats the
important thing.
I kept changing tables so that i could
get to talk with more people.
Realised that everybody has their own
the cake was really nice..a model of a
thats so creative and thoughtful!
Laughed and chatted with the teachers.
Nothing good last forever.
The teachers were leaving after the dinner.
Have to part with one another again. : (
After the dinner, the gang of about 33+ people
decided to head to the Beancurd stall to eat..
Everybody on the street was looking at us
because our gang was really big.
After eating, some of us went to Kovan Mac to
Someone suggested going to a pub situated
along serangoon road.
When we reached there, we were told that
the pub was closing.
we were very disappointed and vin suggested
that we book a room in hotel 81.
Book a room in hotel 81 frightened me
a lot...i didnt know why...
Maybe because that hotel is usually associated
with....those kind.
We could not book a room because the room is
either for 2 or 3.
3? lol. tsk tsk tsk......
While the girls were deciding where to go..
the boys gathered together to say silly things
and even acted out some of the fighting scene
in secondary school.
Really funny and i enjoyed talking with them.
After the discussion, we headed back to kovan Mac
because we could not think of anywhere to go.
Back to kovan Mac, sat down and chatted a lot...!
Some of us were so bored to the extend that we
invented really really lame and silly games to play
... Me, Pengseng, Junlin, dewei and janice..
lol. so funny.
Then something bad happend to janice's handphone..
and we acted a lot of exaggerating drama like
saving the handphone...
thats super funny..
i like to play along with them...or should i say... i am
good at it?
i really had a lot of fun that night...
thanks especially to Vincent, Peisi, Michelle
for organising this event..
Thanks everybody for coming!
Maybe our friendship never dies!
More gathering please.....
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:44 am