Sunday, April 30, 2006
I have been sick for 1 week... The coughing is so annoying and i cannot play soccer with my friends... Ah... I remembered a story told by one of my school lecturers. This story does not show anything...just a story only. No offence. Just for fun.
There was a once very rich country. This country had many trade routes linking to various parts of the world. One day, one of the trade routes which was a bridge, was damaged and there was a need to build another one there.
So the government hired many professionals from different campanies to do the job. On the first day, three engineers reached the train station on time, had the train tickets and were ready to board the train. Once they boarded the train, three designers came rushing towards the train, as usual, they were late. Worse still, each thought that the other would buy the train ticket so only one person bought it. The engineers laughed at them for three people sharing one ticket.
The ticket attendant started checking as soon as the designers boarded the train. When the guy reached their cabin, the designers immediately went into the toilet and squeezed inside a cubicle. The guy went into the toilet, knocked on the cubicle in the toilet. One of the designers slipped the ticket from below to the guy. The guy chopped on the ticket and walked away.
The engineers were amazed and decided to use the same tactic the next day. The day came and the designers were late. This time, they did not bring any ticket along, not a single one. The guy came again and the engineers quickly squeezed into the cubicle. One of the designers knocked on the door and the engineer thinking that it was the ticket attendant and slipped the ticket out. The the designers took the ticket and squeezed into another cubicle.
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:07 pm
Tuesday, April 25, 2006's our only group photo.. After we have done our T-Shirt design. The wings of this pheonix are done using our tumb prints.
still got cheer dancing competition and T-Shirt design competition. 1 group member has to wear the T-Shirt and walk around and another one is explain about the meaning of the T-shirt..which me. I got stage fright then my hands shaking. But i want to explain because i like to explain.
After that was the dancing thing. The sound was very loud and there were many people dancing there. All design students, at the design school. There was another one the following night and it was for the whole TP freshmen. I saw ah boon, don, Meiling, si yun, nigel, junlin there. i purposely went there because i got this feeling that going there sure can meet familiar people.
The final clash was fun la. Design freshmen still need to bring along those dustbin head for noise. Then those cheers invented by our seniors so barbaric and i scare i made enemies with other school. Anyway..just fun. We contribute to the highness of the whole school.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:30 pm
Saturday, April 22, 2006
The camp was very fun. The people in Design School are unusually friendly.. Even if you don't know them, the seniors walking around will still talk to you.
1st day...
Got into an Empire called Fuear and into a sub-empire called Blasa. I didn't know a single person in the entire freshmen group at first. But luckily i saw Elroy one of the programmer. There were only 7 of us males and about 23 females in my sub-empire. We played many games introduced by the group leaders and the games were very creative and fun. We attended talks by our Director(the highest post in my sch) and he was very very funny! The base to base activities were very fun. For example, 2 groups build as many sand castle as possible then throw water bomb at each side, the group who destroys the most castle wins.
The programmers were very crazy and funny, dancing around shouting cheers. The night walk was very difficult. We must walk around the design and bussiness sch at night, looking for clues and talking to wanderers(ppl who act out to give u clues) then you must find out the whole story. The girls in my team were very VERY enthu and siao while the boys so only i am talking. The girls always shout cheers and give ideas and strategy for the games.. The people in design is really abit siao one. Very creative also...they thought of many funny cheers like... Ali ding ding ding... But everybody is very steady one, you do something the whole school will support you.
i just love the team spirit in this school and my team. Tomorrow i will write about the second day.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:24 am
Monday, April 17, 2006
oh... I almost forgot that there will be an orientation programme tomorrow. I don't believe that i just have to bring a set of sports attire because from my past experience, there will be some dirty activities going on. Oh... i am going to meet many new people there and i am getting nervous. Worst of all, nobody familiar is going there i think, i am all alone. I hope i will not be sabotaged in whatever thing. Luckily, i have learnt how to avoid being the prey, the trick is to blend with the group that is noisiest! ok.. got to pack my bag.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:37 pm
Saturday, April 15, 2006
10th of April. Monday
Rest for a few hours and i was ready for another chalet. This chalet is for all my soccer friends. I slept in the bus until many bus stops away from the Down Town East. I saw Qui Yuan they all when i was walking towards the chalet at around 7pm. We went to Mac for dinner, then proceeded to the arcade, followed by Pool. We booked 2 rooms but we joked with our other half group that we only had 1 room, while we hid in the room beside. We kept banging on the door connecting our rooms to frighten them. LOL.. A lot of things to do. And AS USUAL...I was playing PS 2 Winning Elevan. OMG..I lost to most of the friends there.
At night we played murderer. I was very stupid that time. I nurged Desmond to look at me because i wanted to blink(kill) him, he was the first person for me to kill but ended up he caught me because he was the detective. We laughed very loud while playing until the other room could also hear us. At around 3am, we switched off the lights and started using the handphones to make shadows. Its so lame man. Making those dinosaur shapes with our hands. OH!. Alex went into the toilet to sleep that night until we pulled him out, because he could not stand our noise. pathetic boy....during that night, we realised that the other room had only 4 people which means there were plenty of place to was a prank that went back-fired...the PS 2 which we smuggled in from the other room was also put back when they were asleep.
The next day we went to KFC for our breakfast. Walked around talking cock and then we retreated back to the chalet to play games. They played chinese chess. lol. Played daidee, mah jong card games and Uno. Suddenly feel that such games are really fun. Time past by fast and it was night time again. We prepared BBQ things and foods. Some more friends came to join us BBQing like robin, wei zhong they all. Had fun chatting with them while eating those BBQ food. I didnt eat much though, BBQed for people many times more than i ate. Had Great Fun with all my friends. They are all very funny.
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:32 pm
ok..this sounds stupid..but i just have the urge to type. Only now do i have the time to type out.
8th of April. Saturday
I went to my sec 5 friends' chalet. I could finally see my ex school mates and i appreciate that valuable moment. As usual for every chalet that i have been, i decided to play the PS 2. Still the same game like Winning Elevan 7,8,9.. haha. After that, i went to do some BBQing and chatting. Walked around talking to people asking how they are doing. Then suddenly everybody went up to the room, so once again, i went back to play PS 2. LOL. very silly right.. Time passes by fast when we are playing. Soon, the sky started to darken. I don't know why many people gathered outside of our chalet when my friends went up. I think is the noise they were making while playing..yeah..thats the spirit !! When they came down, its time for Ms Chong our teacher to come. We made a lot of noise then, for our birthday songs, cheers and some fun. Took many group photos together with friends and teachers.
Now comes best part. At around 11pm, we went out to rent bicycles. Riding as a group 19 people strong was fantastic. Its cold and fun as there are friends around to talk to while riding. They wanted to ride from East Coast to Changi Village, so i followed them. On the way there was very exhausting because the journey was long and my leg was getting numb. We managed to reach there and i saw many ah guas there. They looked like women but with men voice. Some of them ate at the hawker center after that. We saw more ah guas. At the car park there even more. I could see some people walking around the ah guas touching them, some taunting them from inside the car. They laughed at them. The journey back was terrible because it was getting very cold. But the feeling was great! the whole road was empty and i could ride my bicycle without stopping or turning! Half way, it started to rain, we went into a shelter shared with a malay family. They were very friendly and had plastic sheet to block the rain. We cycled back when the rain was getting lighter. I was drenched and feeling extremely cold when riding. It was like a nightmare.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:36 pm
Monday, April 03, 2006
- ok..So today, went to a new ground introduced by QL, to play soccer. Not bad, except for some pools of water and mud. It was so hard to play. We could not even run properly. Every fast movement might cause you to slip and fall. Played like crazy for less than 1 hour and then we went to play at basketball court. This court is wonderful ! The court is fenced up, which means i don't have to run unnecessarily.
That baking sun was terrible today. I think i could be sun-burned. After that we went to Hougang Mall for lunch and yes, finally, a change instead of the usual Blk 805 hawker center. After that, we went to Hg Plaza. Some went there to play DOTA, others went there for pool. On the way there, i saw many people i know. I don't know why Hougang Mall that area always got people whom i know, walking around there.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:24 pm
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Yeah...thanks to the great timing of my friends, i can pay $40 for 6 consecutive days. 7, 8, 9 of April are for the chalet of my sec 5 classmates, 10, 11, 12 of April are for my soccer friends. Great timing man... But too bad i don't have money for either one. I will try to find a solution. If possible, i try to play from Friday to next wednesday without sleeping. If everything goes smoothly, this may be the longest time ever away from home by myself. But i think its not going to be that successful. I hope that i can enjoy this extremely long chalet to the maximum.
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:22 pm