Friday, March 31, 2006
Yesterday was totally fantastic man..! At 3pm went to meet weifeng after which we went to eugene's house to meet him. Everything was ready and we walked to Hougang Mall to get some stuffs. Thanks guys for agreeing to walk there. We chatted alot while making our way there, talked alot of soccer things like our positions, strengths and weaknesses. We bought the drinks and took bus 89 to "aloha loyang". I don't know where it is. Anyway, it was a Chalet organized by Pengru and Hong i think. I walked into the living room and saw many unfamiliar faces, but who cares, because i could see my friends there also! Went into a room with Eugene, Louis and Shawn and challenged each other in Winning Eleven 8. LOL. Too bad, all of us were defeated by Eugene alone. Omg. He did not concede any goals, he was so skillful in that game man. WeiFeng and Derrick also came in. Played for several hours. People outside chatting, playing MahJong and playing games, while we stayed inside the room playing countless matches of WE 8 and i lost majority of them.
I only ate 2 Chicken wings and a small portion of fried rice at the BBQ because i had sore throat. I saw more people coming in. Some were wearing those hard-to-find nice dresses and they were good looking, but too bad i don't know them..aha. I sat down on the sofa and watched LOST 2 until advertisement came out then i walked back to the gaming room. Derrick and i then decided to tag together to complete world cup league in WE 8. Played from 11pm to 2am. We talked with the group there while playing and found out that many of them were having problems with jobs and some money issues.
Finally we reached Semi-Final in world cup. We were using England and our opponent was Brazil. It was a tough match because we could not even pass properly. When we were attacking, suddenly the TV went blank. Robin had accidentally stepped on the wire causing it to come out. OMG!! played for so long for this stupid ending. LOLs..we all laughed like crazy. We were chatting when somebody talked about the primary school incident and then everybody started talking about it. was so funny. CL, ivan, JU, jason, ryan, ah hong were there with us. Those funny moments in pri sch were really very stupid and hilarious. Like throwing staples onto a teacher's head, putting lady bugs into someone's bag and the burning of Over Head Projecter etc. Everybody was laughing until their faces turned so red! More people came in and we started playing Dai Dee while talking about those funny incidents in sec and pri sch lives. Those nick names and those lame games we played. Some friends recalled bad memories like being bullied or extortion.
At around 5am, we played a game whereby each of us picked up a card and put at their fore head. They cannot see the card and can only change the card only once. The lights will be swtiched off and the one who gets the smallest number will get whacked by everyone using pillows, followed by everybody lying on top of him. I went home with derrick and robin at 6am because we had friendly soccer matches at 9am today. Then the 3 of us walked through the park by the sea shore, exchanging views on the minor faults made by our friends. Damn exhausted but still very happy..! These memories will remain in my mind forever - every precious moments spent with friends.
And thanks Desmond for the great hospitality at his house. It was raining heavily and so i went to his house to bathe and play games. Got this homely feeling. ahah..
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:19 pm
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
cool. Staying at home is boring. Today was calm and peaceful. Met WK at Mac, had our lunch at hawker centre. WOw...the Mee Pok dry is so nice.. yesterday i saw raymond lew eating that bowl of Mee Pok and i was so eager to eat the whole thing that i thought of it for the whole night. I will be eating another one for tomorrow's breakfast.
After that we went around kovan, visiting several pet shops. Walked and talked alot. A lot of craps, serious issues, memories and interests. The best part is the garden or florist. It looks very natural and those ornaments have calming properties. The green leaves and colourful little flowers are so beautiful. The fishes swiming in the natural, much better than those fish kept in tanks. Hard to find such places in this area. The more plants the better. Just keep the buildings or whatever artificial out of my sight and i will find peace. For more photos please visit wee keat's blog. I have only shot one photograph..of the silver arowana swimming in the pond. The whole things resemble amazon river, one of my fravourite place.
I'm thinking of going to Bukit Timah Hill, well prepared of course. I don't want to repeat the history of total exhaustion. That time, Kenneth, Nigel, Melvin and I went to find the high bridge in somewhere near Bukit Timah or Macrichite i dono, after we had finish our Cross country race. We didnt know it is so far away. We tried really hard to locate it. Walked twice the distance of the race and more. Walked past through the golf course. Walked like hell and very very tired. No water, no food because NO SHOPS..!!
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:21 pm
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
QL ( Bday) Trying to eat something damn disgusting and extremely hot.

Whoa... alot of things to blog now. I didn't get the chance to blog on saturday ( QL birthday ) because i had to sleep early as i would be going to pay respect to my deceased grand parents very early, had to wake up at 5am. Its for Ching Ming Jie actually.
On Saturday. Went down to Marina Square to meet my friends for a dinner. Due to my ignorance of the shopping malls, i was lost when i got out from City Hall Mrt station. I thought MS was just on top of the station. Spent 50 minutes walking and figuring how to get to MS. embarrassing...ok. I was worried that i would be late, but luckily or usually, they had not reached there yet.
They booked a few tables in Sakae Sushi earlier on and so we still have some time to spend. I watched them play pool. Walked around. I was damn hungry that time. Finally, it was time to head to the restaurant. Sat down and i was so noob that it was my first time visiting Sakae Sushi. Not bad..quite high tech, because they have the computers there to use. Not those complete sets you saw at your friend's home. The dishes looked so little and yet expensive. So i decided to choose rice and fish which is my favourite and i know its more filling. The bowl is so big and deep, and that is a hoax, the actual dept is so damn shallow. The rest is just wood. Nice one la..! And Ironically, it made me so full. As much as 2 bowls of rice.
We ordered a lot of thing as we were deceived by the small amount of sushi which turned out to be so heavy ! Still left some more behind and YunHui suggested that we played Zhong Ji Mi Ma. The unlucky one will have to eat a sushi deeped inside a mixture of wasabi and soy sauce. Starting few was small and the amount of wasabi was little, gradually bigger sushi was eaten and more wasabi was added. Played a few rounds. Wah..and its damn scary. Starting is not so bad. The last few was so freaking disgusting and frightening. Steve unfortunately got 3 times. Only one person survive the whole disaster. That is ME!!!! PHEW!!!!! OMG! Unbelieveable. I saw the rest of them struggling to swallow the brown greenish sushi. Their eyes watery and faces red. That was so fun and so LUCKY!! YEAH...!!
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:40 pm
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I went to play soccer with my soccer buddies again. Very very tiring, had to run here run there. The ball was so small that i always slip, miss kick and lose ball at the basketball court. Luckily, i could still manage to control the ball better at the caged soccer court.
After that we went to the same place to have our lunch. This is when i feel that singapore is very very small... or maybe there is too much coincidental. Just yesterday, i met Eleanor and Yushu at don't know what is name of that mall...near esplanade one. Later on, i met Boon, Vin, yang and don coincidentally. Today, i went to Hg Plaza, i saw Abel, Guan qi. When i went down and chatted with my friends, i saw Raymond Chia and Alex ( from my class ). When i made my way to Hougang Mall, i saw Raymond Chia AGAIN...When I walked into the library to look for books on fish, i saw Yi Ting. I said "Hi, what you looking at?" but she did not reply. I was getting worried because i thought i mistook her for her twin sister. LOL..Fortunately, she still know my name. When i exited from the library, i met Janice and Peng Seng together.. I followed them around and then we saw Jian Hao and Raymond lew. Unbelieveable, the world is really small...
Got to go. Sleeping soon.
Q life is a long stretch of road
8:51 pm
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I believe that at some point of our lives, there will be a sudden occurance of inevitable reverse revolution. You cannot expect life to always be smooth sailing.
Some frogs and snakes are beautiful, but too bad, they are poisonous and harmful within the disguise of deceivingly nice colours. I have came to this conclusion after watching some documentaries.
Q life is a long stretch of road
9:37 pm
Monday, March 20, 2006
Oh...finally thought of something to write. Hmm... after some chat with my friends, i realized that there are some patterns going with the generation tree. Simply said, your great grand parents are usually very wealthy, your grand parents are slightly wealthy and sad to say, your parents are not that wealthy anymore. Please be reminded that this does not apply to every family. But if your great grand parents are very poor, your grandparents maybe be rich and your family is rich. Why is this so? I shall give my point of view which my friends also agreed.
When you are rich, your children has plenty to spend. He or she does not know what is hardship and how to use the money wisely, another word is, pampered child. Usually, they tend to have attitude problem and think that $2 or $10 is totally nothing. But luckily, i have rich friends who are kind and respectful. This pampered child will start to become lazy, always ask his parents for money. As time goes by, he becomes useless because he depends on his parents too much. So when he goes to the real world outside, his laziness shall cost him dearly. When his parents kick the bucket, he will have nothing to depend on and thus, becomes poor as he does not know how to work. Or maybe, his parents left a lot of money for him to spend.
Lets say if his parents are poor, he will have to depend on himself because he will not get that much money from his parents. He will work hard so that he and his parents can have a better life. His dependency on his parents does not last long because he knows that the money is limited and he must earn money to support himself. This acts like a motor that urges him to work on and hard. He will learn many things such as washing clothes himself instead of relying on his parents or maid. He will also learn that positive attitude is important for him to make friends and get into a good job. As time goes by, he becomes a better and independent person and hopefully earn sufficient money to make the life of his family better.
Here is another pattern which i have considered. When A is hardworking, she will do all the chores for her child @. @ does not know how to do chores therefore her children B must do. B becomes hardworking because she have to do the chores. B will do the chores for her child C. C does not know how to do chores so her child D must do.
LOL..this is just a general point of view. Because i really have nothing better to do!!
Q life is a long stretch of road
11:17 am
Saturday, March 18, 2006
a simple and small gathering today.. Went to Outram there and met Guan Qi and coincidental.! Then i accompanied them to a clinic for check up. YY also there with us. After that YY and i went to grace's hse for mahjong. I know..this sounds stupid because i don know how to play mahjong..nevermind..i willing to stay there talking than sitting infront of my computer all the time...10 of us were there.
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:05 pm
Friday, March 17, 2006

our Bday boy.. smiling radiantly..

eating while on is in a dazed state..

This one have Des..

Ok.. I am very bored so i decided to upload photos and write my blog.
Q life is a long stretch of road
1:28 pm
whee...yesterday no time to write..almost whole day outside with my friends. Early in the morning 9am+, went out to meet Junlin and Raymond.C to go for the medical checkup at tampines there. I thought that check ups are require very little time, but yesterday, the three of us waited for hours to complete. There were many Poly students waiting inside the clinic too. After that, we were told to proceed to another building for our X Ray report. Half way there i realised that i forgot to take back the change and then we went back as soon as we finish the X Ray. Went to a near by mall purposely to see Nigel. It seems so fun because all nigel has to do is to stand beside a toys and play a remote control car and a bubble shooter. So RELAXING !! Three of us went to have Burger King for lunch. Next we walked to TP...Actually the journey should be quite short, but too bad we were not very familiar with the area, therefore, we made many unnecessary turns. Whoa...and it was evening soon. Very happy because i could celebrate WeiFeng's Birthday with many friends. As i was walking to the bus stop, i saw Sherman, Derrick and Elmer. Coincidentally, i saw Eugene, Desmond and Wei Feng. We boarded bus 72 together and reached Tempines in no time. Loithering around Tempines mall for awhile before we went to Fish and Co for our dinner. Wei Xiong came along. Then Qing Long, Gui Yuan, Andy, RuiJie, Steve, Glendan, Peng Leong. Wah...they ate alot as they ordered those big plates of sea food. Not bad.. my plate of fish tasted good. Anyway, it took me more than 40 mins to decide on what dish..Because i just don't know what the dish looked noob.. Very fun as they talked cock sing song. Once i choked on my water when one of them did something stupid. I caughed for a long time... Then some of them were very thoughtful and bought a cake for weifeng. We sang for him and i lost my voice immediately after that. Maybe because i shouted when singing..Zzz.
After the dinner some of us went to watch V FOR VENDETTA and the rest watchTHE SHAGGY DOG. V, the movie is not bad. The story well written because it showed people what courage is and the need to fight for what you believe. I would not say out the story because i will be spoiling the movie. Although he looked ugly and lame with that cute mask of his, people still supported him. Unlike those fairy tales whereby the ugly ones are always the baddies and the good looking ones are always the good. Take for example, Prince, King and Princess, they are all good looking. Slightly less good looking ones such as witch, ogre and wolf, are all baddies. They say this might create a false perspection within the children that good looking ones are always good, thus when they grow up, they might tend to be bias against the odd looking ones. Okay.. after that i took taxi home with Eugene, Des and WF. At around mid night, Des, wf and i ate roti pratas. Feeling bored, we went to a bus stop to talk from 1am to 3.30am. Then i went home sleep.
Q life is a long stretch of road
1:27 pm
Monday, March 13, 2006
I have nothing better to do. Sat down on my chair and watched Full-Metal Alchemist the whole of yesterday. Very sad...There was one scientist who was so stressed by his supporter that he was willing to do whatever he could for his assessment. 2 years ago, he transmuted his wife with another transmuted his daughter with his dog. OH MY GOD.. its so disgusting. Combining human being with other creature. Then the chimerae wanted to die so it refused to eat anything and died. The two brothers (main characters) wanted to revive their mother, so they tried using alchemy. Combining several chemical and drawing out many transmutation circles. standard ingredients for making an average human 2kg of nitrogen, 2kg of water bla bla bla...wah...want to learn chemistry must watch Full-Metal Alchemist hor...they teach you that. You must present something of equal mass to exchange with something of equal mass. order to revive a human being. You must exhange it with something precious, like another living loved ones. wah...sounds gross right. But don't shallow please... Don't you know how people treat each other in the past? during the wars? There are many cruel people out there, you never know. Oops...why am i saying all this...OF COURSE.. i am so bored now. I go play DOTA..
Oh ya...i realised something very ironic in us. We want to grow old faster when we were young, then when we are old, we want to grow young again.
When i am schooling that time, i want a very long holiday. When i have this long holiday, i want so much to get back to school. sigh....
Q life is a long stretch of road
10:17 am
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Yesterday was a tiring day. Went to Sim Lim Square with WeeKeat to buy a computer mouse and to upgrade his PS2. We forgot how to go to Sim Lim Square from Bugis MRT station. We called for help (WK's mum) and then we went to waterloo street. Walked for awhile and we realised that we could not find our way. Seen many weird and rare advertisements around. Totally lost were we that we decided to ask someone working there. An Indian security guard was helpful and pointed us the direction. Walked towards the direction and we were lost again, worse still, we found that we had walked one complete circle. Then we went back into the MRT station to look for map. A sign board there stated that SMS is on our left. Walked back to waterloo street again. Lost again...zzzz. Walked around and then asked one of the shop keeper. Very good...SLS is just opposite of waterloo street. Saw many people fishing by the big drain. So smelly and dirty. They really have nothing better to do.
When we stepped into SLS we saw many shops selling....rather the same things. Those gadgets and computer stuffs. Saw a funny sight. 6 people standing at the one entrance of the escalator giving out flyers. After buying what i wanted, we headed to a near-by shop outside of SLS to get WK's PS2 upgraded. Walked past a game shop and saw 2 monks holding a PlayStation Portable and checking out the Games there. They are in their fourties. I could not figure out why would 2 old monks having a PSP for.. Don't tell that they used the donations to buy PSP so that they can play during their...FREE TIME? gosh...whats wrong with this world...
Q life is a long stretch of road
2:13 pm
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I just had another great gathering with almost the same people yesterday. This time is going to Eleanor's house for steam boat. Cool... I bought drinks for them. The time was already 6pm+, by the time i reached there. Many people were there before me. Eleanor, Donavan, Raymond, PengYee, YingYing, Noel, Grace, YuShu, HuanYing and Vincent. They were playing cards...again. or as usual. After the card game, we proceeded to have our dinner at the round table. All of us had to stand up so that there is space for everyone. However, i realized that PengYee was always standing outside of the circle. The soup was nice and hot. Many kinds of ingredient are added into the steamboat until it was almost full. Golden Mushroom, small shrimps, small eggs, hotdogs and mock crabmeat etc. Omg... The food on the table seemed scary because there was really a lot of food there. A LOT..Then some funny things also happened on the table. Some people used the net spoon to hold the meat to boil them, but unfortunately another person accidentally stirred the soup using that particular spoon. As a result, the meat fell into the hot soup, followed by some friendly quarrel. Some sat down to watch then comment that there are many murder cases nowadays.
After awhile, PengSeng, Janice, Priscila, DeWei and WeeKeat came, bringing in even more food. Left over food was a sure thing. The soup was very fragrant and the rice was very soft. Must thank those people who have bought the food here and those who have been boiling the soup and cooking the rice patiently. There were many many tibits and snacks to eat ! Its akin to a children's heaven...
After the hearty meal, some of us went to watch movies (VCD kind), while others went to game was very fun and exciting because there is punishment for the person who had lost the game, such as drinking a bottle of tap water. It requires more luck than brains though. The rest were watching scary or gross movies like Final Destination and House Of Wax etc. Wah...very disgusting. Blood everywhere. Totally impossible accidents happend in the movies and some psychotic brothers who were addicted to wax. Not that frightening but interesting. Very fun, because there were many people giving funny comments and telling jokes while watching. After one movie, we took a photo together and it was pretty tough because the dog behind was licking my shorts. Afterwards, Melvin came from work. There was alot of food left on the table but everyone of us was damn full.
Too bad everything must come to an end. It was getting late and some of them have to go home. Instead of them going off themselves, the whole lot of us actually accompany them down to the MRT station. The gathering was so reminiscent of my days with my friends studying and joking around in secondary school. Some them could not stay over because they have to work the next morning. Left Me, Vincent, DeWei, Eleanor and Yu Shu. Soon after, Nigel came over to accompany us. Followed by PengSeng and Donavan. Haha. I played cards throughout the night with PengSeng. Very challenging and exicting for each you don't know what the opponent wants. Played many different kinds of card game and all of them were fun, although i always lose to him. Then we chat around while YS was watching "wang zi bian qing wa". We also share information of where the rest of our classmates are heading. We chat about many many things and funny experiences during work. Some went to ITE and some went to same course as another. PengSeng had brought along a set of very small Mahjong blocks to play with. They are so damn small! Then we went up to the air con room. I was so bored until i started to play with those soft toys pooh bear and piglet. Using them as action figures to execute those wrestling stuns. LOL. It was very stupid and funny and Nigel sitting there talking and giving funny ideas to me. Next i played betting game using the Mahjong token as money. You either bet big or small for the result of the 3 die. It was so silly because the banker actually went "backrupt".
Time up!! It was time for a soccer match between Barcelona and Chelsea!! All of us boys went down to watch. Our cps managed to keep awake for a few minutes after which he dozed off throughout the whole game. DeWei also. Left Vin, Nigel and me watching the match. I also dozed off for about 3ominutes. Then suddenly Ronaldino, scored a goal and then we all laughed and imitate his after-goal-scoring action. After that we all fell asleep. The next morning, after i woke up, i decided to watch TV, but there were only boring shows. I chose some VCDs of Mr. Bean to watch. Very funny of course. Until the time was 10am+ that we decided to go home. So thats all. This is just a very sumerized version because seriously there were really many funny and interesting details. Wow...i just love this kind of gathering and lets hope there will be more of such things in future.
Wah...i'm very sleepy now. Going to sleep..
Q life is a long stretch of road
5:23 pm
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
All right. This is a very bad world. I don't like it, seriously. The thing is, i can't really change what i am now so i might as well continue going on. As many of my friends told me that.."zuo ren hao nan..", well, its damn right. The worse position i can ever think of is being a middle man. If you are nice to the workers, they will start to slack because they think that you are friendly. As a result, the production becomes slower and your boss is not happy. Your boss starts to yell at you and blame you for not managing the workers well. You start to stress out and become stricter towards your workers. They become angry with you and start to gossip about you. How? Its a lose - lose situation. It is almost impossible to make everybody around you happy.
Another bad situation. Some people just refuse to listen to the truth. I know that the truth may be very bad but you just have to accept it. Then there are people who tell lies, words that are nice to hear but is actually wrong. This is called...Poh. Or bootlicking. Many people like this kind of life form. Another type is called hack-care. No matter what you ask him or her, their replies will be, "dono", "don ask me", "not my business". Of course. Look at the society now. Most people prefer bootlicker. There are people who really don't know and there are people who says don't know just to avoid trouble or giving wrong infor. Imagine a boss came into a room.
Boss:"how is my shirt today?"
A:"omg..its so nice..really match your pants!. wow..its fantastic!!"
B:" erm..ok ok la..i dono.
C:"your shirt does not match your pants. It looks very weird. A combination of blue and green is not nice so you should change your shirt to white."
Dumbest:"its sucks.. you might as well don wear. You really look like a clown you know. LOL...HAHAHAHAHA."
The boss sack 3 of them in this manner. First is D, then C, then B. A won. The boss likes A because everything A says is nice and sweet but is totally wrong.
AS A RESULT. The boss went around the exhibition hall with a trail of people laughing behind him. He turned to his worker, A and asked if he really looks awful.
A:"No No...not at all. You are the best. You look so handsome today man...They are laughing because they are jealous of your good looks!!"
So..its really up to you to think. If you always scold or becomes sad when somebody tells you the truth, then people around you will learn from it and will therefore keep quiet or tell lies. "I know its really painful when somebody points out your mistakes. You tend to argue bad or give excuses or even hate that person. But hey...he can choose to keep quiet and let you repeat your mistake again and again. So... Accept it and learn and not argue back that you are right.
I can't always preach what i said because because of my human nature and ego. It really takes time and effort to become a better person. Are you prepare to do this?
Be like an oyster. Turn ugly and irritating dust particles into precious and valuable pearl. Where
dust particles = harsh comments
Pearl = Lesson learnt
Q life is a long stretch of road
12:58 pm
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Today was a simply a fun day. Together with Wee Keat, Noel and Grace, we went to a pet farm named Pet resort situated around the Ju Eng home there. The place is big and there were many people walking around. Kids were laughing and running around the place. We walked into a room that showcased many puppies. Each puppy has it's own glass container which restricted their movement, so sad. We saw 2 small horses and a goat inside a fenced area. There are many long legged birds which i don't know what they are called. We fed them bread and they ate like they have not eaten a decent meal for ages. Then there were ducks and geese swimming in a pond and a peacock standing on the a rock. There is a shelter that has many small fenced up area where bunnies are reared inside. This shelter is shared by an Iguana, a huge lizard, enclosed in a cage. There are 5 small bunnies and a large one in 4 of the 8 separated area. OMG... They are so damn cute. After a few minutes walk, we saw a large fenced up area circling a pond. There is a swan in the middle and 3 beautiful small ducks by the side. There is also a large woodstock, a kind of agressive bird inside. A warning sign stated that it is highly dangerous...and smelly also. There is a bigger shelter within 3m range. There are many puppies of different kind of large dogs kept inside the shelter. Dalmantions, Husky, Goldren retriever and some i don't know their names. A short and small man-made river stretches in between the bunnies hut and a grooming center. There are nets provided to catch the small kois and red patties swimming inside.
After visiting this pet resort, we went to a fish farm which don't have anything interesting except for a few gorgeous, top graded discus fish. We went to Jalan Kayu there to have roti pratas as our lunch. The curry has a very weird taste and tastes bad too. As we were walking towards the bus stop, we came across a shop that sells Otah. We bought some and eat at the bus stop.
Q life is a long stretch of road
7:30 pm
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I had just spent a whole day having fun with my friends yesterday and it was great. I went to hougang MRT station to meet Janice, Melvin, Wee Keat and Peng Seng. Then we took MRT to Serangoon station there to meet Eleanor and Huan Ying and then Donovan came to the bus stop to meet us. YingYing then came on board the bus we were sitting. As soon as we reached the Mac Donald at East Coast park, we met Puay Boon, Peng Yee, Raymond, De Wei, Noel, En Jie, Vincent, Yu Shu, Kah Xiang, Grace. I felt happy because it had been a very long time ever since we met each other.
Most of us rented bicycle and some rented roller blades. Many things happened maybe due to the poor quality of the bicycles. Such as air coming out from the tyre for a double seat bicycle which PB and en was sitting on. Some people who roller bladed accidentally fell down, alot better than me who don't even know how to stand up wearing a pair of roller... We looked like a bicycle gang, 19 people strong,riding on the bicycle track together. LOL..its was very fun! I enjoyed the cool wind going past my face, it was shiok. After riding for sometime, we stopped at a pool to watch people surfboarding. Most of them could not hold on top of the water for long...some even fell down into the water as soon as they were realeased from the plate form. We cant blame them because it is really hard to balance on water. Next we proceeded to a food junction. Each of us bought a glass of suger cane drink to quench our thirst. We chatted awhile and then we were back to our road. The people who were roller blading could hang onto those riding a bicycle for support. Next we came to halt to wait for the rest to catch up because unfortunately the chain of Jan's bicycle came out and had to be fixed by cps. They discussed about going to OCH but was rejected by some because it was too early. Anyway, we still decided to go to Changi on bike.
Wah...the road to Changi was worse than what i had expected...
We had to ride along side of cars, trucks and motorbike. Pretty dangerous but not enough to deter our aim. Half way through, we was 2 brown puppies. They were adorable and some stopped to see them. The plants along the road was very annoying because there were torns on them which could tear our clothes and our skin. The high way was extremely demoralizing to us. One frightening experience was when i was about to cross the road. The vehicles were moving very fast and i had to bring my bike across. Eleanor was with me because she was wearing the roller and needed support. We crossed the road half way but suddenly the many cars came from the opposide. I quickly backed but eleanor didnt. Whoa...standing in the middle of the road wearing a roller was damn dangerous man...Finally we crossed over. The whole lot of us then stood together discussing how to fetch priscilla to come over. Some went back and then we continued riding along the road. I was riding on the grass then it was damn uncomfortable! Suddenly, Kah Xiang's bike encountered a huge problem. The chain actually came out and the whole gear was out of place.. We had no choice but to retreat back. We then went to a jetty enjoying the sea breeze and watching people there fishing. Spent a long time there before we went back. By that time, we were very very hungry.
As we were walking towards a bus stop, we decided to play block catching. Not all were playing though. First round, HuanYing and Eleanor were catchers. Ele caught alot of people in one blow because my group was in the lift when she was running towards us. The rest was soon caught. Good job.. Next, Vincent and PB became catchers. Pretty tough because PB was a good runner and Vincent was very
Next we went to Marina Sqaure to have our dinner. We had a long discussion for where we were going to eat. After eating, our group became smaller. Some wanted to play LAN while others did not want. The computers at that LAN shop was the worst i have ever met. Totally sucks like shit. Where got LAN shop so hard to join and create dota games!!?? The computer always hang also. Dumb..Might as well close down that shop. We managed to catch the last train home. By the time i reached home, it was 12+. But i had a very fun day. Thanks to all of my friends!!
Q life is a long stretch of road
2:37 pm